
Involved's Consumer Audience

The Involved network reaches more engaged and actively socially conscience consumers than any other source. If you have product, service, or program aimed at this audience – we can match you with the correct audience to achieve your goals.

326,000 Email Subscribers
835,000 Monthly Unique Users
10,000,000 Monthly Pageviews


VolunteerMatch is the largest digital volunteer engagement network for consumer volunteers and volunteer resource center for nonprofit professionals.

  • 14 million visitors annually / 1 million + unique visitors per month
  • 115,000+ current participating nonprofits
  • 104,000+ active volunteer opportunities
  • #1 search result for “volunteer” on Google, Yahoo, and Bing



Social Work Helper is a mission-driven progressive news website dedicated to providing information, resources, and entertainment related to social work, social justice and social good.

  • 40,000+ unique monthly visitors
  • 23,500+ email subscriber list
  • Over 80% of SWH readers are currently employed in the social work and nonprofit sectors