Ad Targeting

All banner ads can be geotargeted down to the zip code and up to the continent level, but also by state, city, and DMA. More advanced targeting methods are available when applicable (device type, browser type, day of week, time of day, etc).

For most of our publishers, dedicated emails can also be geotargeted.

Display Ad Specifications

The Involved network currently supports the following IAB banner sizes for display advertising:

  • Leaderboard: 728×90
  • Medium Rectangle: 300×250
  • Half Page: 300×600

We support .gif, .jpg, .swf formats. Animated ads have a max of 30 seconds, loops total. Please keep ad sizes to under 150k if possible.

Email Ad Specifications

We are always happy to help our clients craft the most effective emails possible to reach your goals. We do have a few guidelines:

  • 150-200 words of copy
  • A relevant 600×300 image
  • Clickthrough URL
  • A subject line
  • A clear, concise, and visible call-to-action

Need help implementing these best practices? Just ask!